


We all know vitamins are good for us, but have you though about how many of the neccesary minerals you're getting each day? Minerals are critical for the formation of blood and bone, body fluids, cellular growth and healing, energy, muscle tone, and nerve function. Minerals are also vital in the absorption, function and effectiveness of many vitamins. This means if minerals are not present in the proper proportion, then vitamins are not sufficiently absorbed. This can leave you deficient in both vitamins and minerals, taking a toll on your overall health!

The ABCs of Vitamins

The ABCs of Vitamins

Vitamins are a crucial part of a healthy diet! They help the body function, regulate metabolism, and process your food into energy. Without a steady supply of vitamins our bodies cannot grow, develop, or maintain properly. Symptoms like low energy, skin ailments, and indigestion can all be a result of not having enough vitamins in your diet.